Vibe Emissions is warning us of an 'Invasion'

My obsession with Vibe Emissions continues. I don't care if people are getting sick of my proselytizing Bryce Herlong's contributions to the dubstep community. I'm gonna keep shouting about it until I'm hoarse.
His latest EP, Intelligent Beings, is out August 19th, and even though each track on it is Grade A 100% Pure Beef, I had to grab “Invasion” for y'all, because I know it's a smash. We are under attack, and it's by some disgustingly deranged beats.
Whenever we're finally allowed to party at The Untz Festival, we'll be enjoying the soothing sounds of The Undergrowth, with Murkury, Pathwey, and the man Vibe Emissions, himself, for what is going to be a non-stop, can't-miss event of the weekend. These boys from the southeast are devastatingly talented, and the fact that we get to host them on the west coast is making me excited. All we need is a vaccine, and the real invasion will be by these three.